You've installed Talk on your server, and you're preparing to launch it on your site. The real community work starts now, before you go live. You have a unique opportunity pre-launch to set your community up for success.


  1. Take this opportunity for a fresh start
  2. Publicly state the purpose and rules of your community
  3. Decide where you will and won't put comments
  4. Have clear moderation strategies
  5. Get journalists on your side
  6. Launch with care

1. Take this opportunity for a fresh start

The launch of a new tool is a great opportunity for a reset, to welcome in new community members, and to make clear what the space is for. We have a ten-page workbook that you can download/print to help define your goals and vision for the community. It takes about 30 minutes to complete, asks clear, simple questions, and at the end you will have an outline of your community strategy to set you up for success.

2. Publicly state the purpose and rules of your community

If you don't launch with a clear strategy for your community, the most disruptive members will end up defining it for you. Go here to learn how to create an effective community strategy. If your community is to succeed, you will need to make clear at the start what is and isn't acceptable, and enforce the rules clearly and consistently. Read more about that here. Every successful community has an easy-to-read code of conduct, with a summary of the rules on every page that the comments appear. Here's how to write your code.

In Talk, the summary of your community code goes into the box at the top of the comments. You enter that text by clicking on the Configure tab at the top, and scroll down to Include Comment Stream Description:

[IMAGE] A screenshot of the Configure options in Talk, with a pink arrow pointing to the place where Comment Stream Description can be added

3. Decide where you will and won't put comments

One the most important lessons we wish more newsrooms understood is this: on-site comments don't have to be all or nothing.

If your goal is to create a civil, productive space for online discourse, you should only make promises about the space that you can keep. If you have very few resources to dedicate to your community, that might mean only opening a small number of articles for discussion each day – or only having a weekly comments discussion about the week's news, similar to the Guardian Social's Catch Up of the Week where they interact in, and highlight the best of, the comments.

Some topics that you cover will be more challenging to create civil discourse around than others, and opening the comments on them could require a lot of hands-on moderation to ensure the kinds of interactions that you want – we've found in the U.S. that conversations around issues of race, immigration, and breaking news involving potential assailants or terrorism, can quickly break down and lead to abusive and negative interactions. You will know best which are the most controversial topics in your community, and you can model the threats you are likely to face as a result. For these topics, we recommend that you have a plan ahead of time to address the problems that are likely to come up.

Your plans might include:

[IMAGE] A screenshot of the Configure menu from the comments view  

[IMAGE] A screenshot of the pre-moderate option in the Configure tab

Other options for contentious topics instead of comments:

4. Have clear moderation strategies

The most important predictors of the success of an online community are:


We have a starter list of more than 1700 words/phrases that most sites choose to ban. Email to request it.

A close up of the User Drawer with a large pink arrow indicating the Actions menu where users can be suspended or banned

A screenshot of the comments stream with a moderation menu popped out and a large pink arrow pointing to the caret where moderators can unfold the moderation menu


An image showing the Pre-moderate Links option in the moderation console

A screenshot of the Configure tab in the comments stream with the Pre-Moderate Links option circled in pink


5. Get journalists on your side

Most journalists don't like comments. Also, most journalists read comments.

If your goal is to bring community closer to your journalism, you need to change the minds of people in your newsroom about the value of your onsite community. There are two reasons to do this: to improve the community, and to improve the journalism.

For the community: As a study from the Center for Media Engagement (CME) shows, comments are more civil when a journalist engages in the space. A separate study that we commissioned from the CME demonstrates that the majority of commenters across sites of all sizes want journalists to engage in the comments.

For the journalism: there is real potential value in the comments, in helping journalists find tips and sources, in finding important clarifications and corrections, in building a loyal audience, and in involving your community in your mission. These are some of your most dedicated readers. They deserve your attention. That said, journalists need to be prepared for how to engage effectively.

As this guide on engaging in the comments states, the main principles for how to act in the comments should be

If you are going to ask journalists moderate comments, we recommend that they don't moderate their own but instead pair with someone else to moderate each other's, before the author of the piece goes into the comments to engage. In that way, the worst abuse and criticism can be removed by someone who is less likely to take it personally. You should also instruct journalists on how to escalate potentially credible threats to a senior editor, and make it clear that it's ok to step away if the task starts to affect them personally. There are more tips on supporting the emotional health of people who moderate comments here.

6. Launch with care

We strongly recommend launching Talk on just one article, talking about the change that will be coming to the rest of the site, describing the features, and letting your community kick the tires on the new system before it is released everywhere. Doing this will allow your community members to get used to the change, to make suggestions, to enter into conversation with you about the switch, and to help make them feel included and less surprised about the change when it goes sitewide. It will also allow you to get used to the moderation interface without being overwhelmed. Here's how The Washington Post used their community to test the new system.

If you can't release Talk in this way, we recommend that you announce the launch of the new system in a standalone article, describing the features in Talk (especially 'Ignore User', My Profile, Notifications, and Report functions. Screenshots with arrows can help - if you're a Mac user, try Skitch), explaining why you've moved to Talk, describing the benefits Talk brings, and the changes you will be looking for/promises you will make to the community moving forward. You should take more time than usual to guide people, answer questions, and collect suggestions for improvements (we'd love to hear them.) Here's how The Intercept did this.

For the first month or so, we recommend including a link to the launch article mentioned above in the Comments Stream Description box on every Talk page. This will give community members a place to go to discuss the new system, so that they are more likely to be on topic on the articles themselves. We continue to add more features to Talk every few weeks. For significant feature changes, we suggest writing a follow-up article to introduce them to your community, pointing out the features and encouraging more feedback on the system itself, and on how you are managing the community.

A regular space for conversation about the conversation is always welcome in any successful community, and is a great source of ideas for improvement.  

We hope you enjoy using Talk, and that it helps your communities to thrive. If you have any questions or suggestions for this piece, or would like to try Talk on your site, please contact us.