Enables secure rich text support server-side.


Add "talk-plugin-rich-text" to the plugins.json in your Talk installation. This plugin provides a server and a client side implementation.

Note: Possible plugin conflict

The plugin talk-plugin-comment-content will prevent this plugin from rendering comments with rich text styling and is not needed if this plugin is enabled.

Server implementation

How does this work?

This plugin uses the comment.metadata field to store the richTextBody. By adding richTextBody to the schema we can later on resolve it as part of the comment. The original comment.body is never touched. Using the metadata field allow us to build plugins that are not invasive to the core and also test the capabilities of our plugin framework. We encourage you to see the files and check how easy is to build plugins! If you have any feedback, please let us know.


There is a config.js in the root folder. This file contains the recommended settings.

A boolean to highlight links. Set it to false to turn it off.


Settings for highlighting links. These will only apply if higlightLinks is set to true.


Rules to sanitize html input. We use DOMPurify to prevent web attacks and XSS. Here is the complete list of settings


In order to run html in the server we need jsdom. Usually you wouldn’t need to modify this settings.

Client implementation

How does this work?

This plugin contains 2 important components:

The editor component utilizes the contentEditable and execCommand API.

If you check our index.js you will notice that we inject this editor in the commentBox slot. We do this to replace the core comment box with this one.

Now, in order to render the new styled comments we need a comment renderer. For this task we will have to replace our core comment renderer by using the commentContent slot.

If you are not familiar with GraphQL client/index.js will look complicated, but fear not! With those functions we specify what to expect from the server schema, how to perform optimistic updates and how keep the client store updated with the latest changes.

We encourage you to see the files and check how easy is to build plugins! If you have any feedback, please let us know.