How can I get help, submit a bug, or suggest a feature?

There are a few avenues to get in touch with us and others in the community for help.

To log a bug or request a feature, submit a Support ticket ( and someone from our team will get back to you.

You can also request help on Github by submitting an issue. This also increases your chances of having someone from the community respond to help.

And you can also search our Coral Community to see if your issue has been solved, or to get tips from the community.

How can our dev team contribute to Talk?

We are lucky to work with newsroom dev teams and individual contributors who span the world, and come from newsrooms of all sizes. You can read our Contribution Guide to get started, but feel free to reach out to us via Github too.

What if we want to add a feature you don't have?

Talk is open source, so you're free to develop additional functionality and submit a pull request.

Do you have GDPR features?

Yes! Please read our GDPR documentation for more information and instructions to get started.

Can I import my existing comments?

Yes! We have a community-supported import framework that you can use to migrate your existing comments.

What support is available?

Our team is small, so it's difficult for us to provide support packages. However, you can always email us at, and we can help answer your questions. In some cases, we can provide premium support packages either with our team, or through partners. You can inquire about this via the support email address above.

Is there a hosted version I can purchase by monthly subscription?

Yes! We are happy to announce that as of July 2018, we provide a SaaS version of Talk, called the Coral Cloud. For a monthly subscription, you get your own hosted Talk instance to embed on your news and blog articles. Reach out to us if you're interested in this option.

Where is our data when we use Talk?

If you are hosting Talk on your own:

If you are using Coral Cloud Hosting for Talk:

Does Talk have any automated moderation features to protect against spam and trolling?

Talk features a couple of plugins that provide advanced moderation:

How much can I customize Talk?

How much does Talk cost?